Thursday, December 31, 2009

Episode 4: A New Hope

The Worst Year Of My Life.

I have never been so happy to see a year end in my life. I know it's purely symbolic - for all I know, the awfulness will just bleed over and continue into 2010. But I'm shockingly hopeful. And it's not just the liquor.

I've finally worked through, somewhat, the five stages of grief over the death of my career. Occasionally a job pops up that sends me back to #3, bargaining, but it's a mirage. It's over.

So... what's next?

I've been doing a lot of soul searching. I've had to do an honest evaluation of my strengths and skills. And a diligent assessment of the Bako job market and it's growth industries. And after many weeks, I've finally settled on two possible career paths.

Prison guard. Or WalMart.

Prison guard is actually a lot more appealing than you may think. It's HUGE here. There are quite a few CCF's and MCCF's. I don't know what those are, but there are a LOT of them. The pay and benefits are terrific. And the union is all powerful - it's nearly impossible to be fired.

What a pleasant change of pace THAT would be.

The only fly in the ointment is I'm not sure how wise it would be to give someone like me, in my state of mind, a firearm. I'm not sure it's even legal. Especially since I'm easily intimidated.

Something to explore.

And then there's WalMart. Sure, the pay is minimum wage and there are no benefits, including insurance. But they just opened a "Supercenter" - it's as big as Delaware and employs 12,000 people. And they're opening ANOTHER one, less than five miles away, this spring. Honestly, you can't swing a dead cat in this town without hitting a WalMart or Home Depot.

The hours would suck - it's open 24 hours. As far as I know, it's the only establishment in Shitsville open past 10pm.

Typically Bako - good luck getting a pizza delivered past 9pm, but you need a pair of husky boy overalls? Sure, come on in and browse at 3am.

But on the plus side, based on my observations of the local talent pool, I could probably work my way up to management fairly quickly. Maybe $12 an hour!

So I'm hopeful for a fresh start, a new beginning. Leaving all the unpleasantness of the soon passed year in the dustbin of history.

So to anyone who reads this blog, Happy New Year!

And welcome to WalMart!