Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Cold Day In Hell

So hell does freeze over.

It was 31 degrees this morning, and my car was covered in ice. Ice! No one said anything about ice. There's evidently no end to the hidden charms of this hellhole.

It rained off and on all day yesterday and this morning everything outside was covered with a light layer of mud. Only in Bako could the rain make things dirtier. There's a certain twisted logic to it all - there's so much dirt in the "air" on any given day it was inevitable the rain would bring it back down to earth. There's a word for that... FALLOUT.

At least the air would be breathable today, I thought. In fact the sky this morning was almost electric blue. Then I drove down the street to see workman in a vacant lot starting a trash fire. A trash fire! It's raging now, sending huge plumes of billowing grey smoke east over the entire town.

What the fuck is wrong with these people? Maybe the blue skies scared them. Like an eclipse in the Dark Ages.

And their first response was to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Mission Accomplished.