Sunday, December 13, 2009


Lord help us. On the news this evening they announced that a delegation of Russians arrived this evening at the airport, here for a week to experience "real America".

I don't know which is more shocking - that any sane person would consider Bako "real America", or the fact that Bako has an airport. Who knew? And it looks like a real airport! Not just someone waving flags in a cornfield.

But back to the Russians. There is no way this will end well. Bako is like the crazy Aunt you keep up in the attic - an embarrassment to the family that you tolerate with kindness, but hide from the neighbors. You certainly don't introduce her to foreigners. This is bound to result in an international incident. Have they not seen all the bumper stickers? "Obama is a Socialist!". "Better Dead Than Red!"

Yes, I know they aren't communist anymore, but I'm not sure they got the memo here. I don't even think the people here are aware the Cold War is over. They barely tolerate Democrats, and now they hosting Commies? I hope they steer clear of politics and just focus on the cultural highlights.

How do you say "Hooters" in Russian?