Sunday, December 13, 2009

My Give A Damn's Busted

"I really wanna care,
I wanna feel somethin'
Let me dig a little deeper...

Amen. Sing it sister. We were driving in the car and the boyfriend turned the dial to KUZZ, "Bakersfield's Country and News Station." "Country" and "News" aren't two words I picture in the same sentence, but, whatever.

Casseroles, country music... I'm still holding out hope that he hasn't crossed over and it's just a phase, like the unfortunate vegan thing of a few years back. But here we were, tooling down the 99 listening to some woman singing about her busted Give A Damn.

I feel her pain.

Maybe it's just the depressing circumstances we find ourselves in right around the holidays. More likely it's just Bako. Probably a combination of both. But whatever the reason it's just become hard to give a damn about almost anything these days.

I just don't care.

I hope this is just a phase for me too.

"My give a damn's busted
My give a damn's busted
Honey trust me
My give a damn's busted yeahhh ..."