Friday, March 18, 2011

Long May She Wave

I saw Jim was out yesterday replacing his American flag.

With an even larger American flag.

"Go big or go home" Jim Said. So true.

It occurred to me that we are practically the only house on the block not flying an American flag 24/7. I hope we aren't breaking some law.

The only other house not flying Old Glory is the hoarders, but I'm betting they have one buried under all the boxes of empty milk cartons and rotting produce. A couple of houses opt to fly the flag of Kentucky instead, which I'm guessing is considered an acceptable alternative here. It beats the Confederate flag, which I suspect is what they'd be flying if they had their druthers.

But here's the thing... an awful lot of the flags have seen better days. Several are in tatters, the stripes separated and hanging like ribbons on a maypole. Even more have been bleached almost white by the sun. To me, that seems awful disrespectful, which I think is probably the last message these folks want to send.

So I think the least everyone could to for this great country is to make sure they're flying a bright, crisp, new flag. There's really no excuse not to. You can get Chinese-made ones dirt cheap down at WalMart.