Saturday, December 18, 2010

Random Good Things About Bako #12

Comic relief.

Good 'Ole Bako. Every time I'm feeling down and blue, something astoundingly stupid comes along to put a smile on my face.

This morning it was my favorite Weather Mistress.

Evidently with time to kill and out to prove she'd done her homework and was indeed smarter than a fifth grader, she was going on at length about this year's prevailing weather pattern... La Niña.

La Niña weather patterns, she informed us, are characterized by dry, dought-like conditions.

It was pouring rain outside.

She must have read that on "the Google".

In the very next breath she started going on about this Fall's record rains and how perhaps this could end up being one of the wettest winters on record in Bakersfield.

You could practically see the disconnected wires of her brain sparking behind her eyes.

I swear you could put the Chuck E. Cheese menu on the teleprompter and she'd read it as the forecast.

God bless her. I'm in such a good mood now.