Saturday, May 7, 2011

Throwing In The Towel

I should know better than to open my big, fat mouth.

No sooner had I written a post about our apparent triumph over the cockroaches and we found ourselves under siege.

They are simply everywhere.

I didn't think there could possibly be anything worse than having one skitter across your face while you slept, but I was wrong. Stepping on one barefoot in the dead of the night is definitely much worse. Especially if it's large. It's like stepping on an éclair. You'll never get that sensation out of your head, and shower all you want, you'll never feel like your feet are clean.

It's obviously a Bakersfield thing. Over the past couple of weeks I've noticed the number of ads for exterminators on the local channels has exploded exponentially. And they all feature the same thing... advancing hordes of roaches.

So, to honor our new cockroach overlords, I've changed the background of the blog to better reflect life here.

This is what a typical morning in our house is like.