Stereotypes exist for a reason because there's usually at least a kernel of truth to the broad brush characterizations ascribed to various groups. But to every rule, there are exceptions. Not all gay men like show tunes. Not all lesbians wear Birkenstoocks. And not all Asians are brainiacs.
Take, for instance, our neighbor Margaret.
Margaret is the Korean lady who lives next door. I hadn't seen hide nor hair of her in the past six months, not since she awkwardly tried to introduce herself during a driving rainstorm. She seems to live somewhat like a hermit; I've never once seen any of her blinds open or seen her outside. Until yesterday.
I was taking the dogs our for their afternoon walk around 2 when I saw her standing in her driveway looking perplexed.
"Do you have power?" she asked.
Why yes, we did.
"The power is out on the block" she announced, ignoring me.
I mentioned again that we had power. I'd just left my computer and could still make out the sound of the stereo.
"Hmmm" Margaret said. "It must only be this half of the block" she said as she waved her arms indicating everything east of our house.
I pointed to the house across the street from her where the porch lights had been left on. "They appear to have power" I said.
"Hmm" said Margaret. "It must only be this side of the street".
As if on cue, her other neighbor's garage door started to open. The electric garage door.
This stumped Margaret.
"Hmm" said Margaret. "It must only be my house. There's only a power outage at my house. That's so weird. Don't you think that's weird? That the power would be out only at my house? That's so WEIRD!"
The obvious question was a little rude and none of my business, but still, I thought it should be asked.
"Did you pay your electric bill?"
*** crickets ****
After what seemed like an eternity Margaret said "No. I didn't. Do you think that could be it?"
Call it a hunch Margaret, but yes, I think that could be it. Whew! I though we were going to have to call in Nancy Drew.
I told her I'd check on that if I were her and started to hustle the dogs onto our walk. As we were leaving Margaret behind she added...
"We'll I better take care of that right away. I took the day off to watch the Oprah finale..."
The Oprah finale that aired the day before.
I didn't have the heart to tell her. Let her think PG&E ruined her plans and not that she's an imbecile.
Margaret's a nurse. I need to find out where she works and never go there.