Friday, November 19, 2010

The Truth Is Out There

So it isn't just me. I'd written back in June about the creepy jet contrails that seem to daily crosshatch the sky over Bako. Some days less, some days more, but every day you can look up and see white smoky lines over the city.

But the last two days have been out of control. So much so that it finally caught the attention of the locals and even made the local news. It didn't just bring out the concerned citizens. The "black helicopter" crowd was out in force, telling anyone who would listen that they weren't "contrails" but "chem trails"...

"I have researched this theory for several years and I realizes that some would call me a conspiracy theorist, but as far as I know, this is conspiracy fact," said Murphy.

"According to Murphy, there is a large group of people around the world who agree with the chemtrail conspiracy theory. Murphy added that they believe what most consider to be contrails are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for clandestine programs directed by government officials. Other Proponents have said it is a top secret program to change weather patterns or fight global warming."

"This is absolutely not normal. If it were contrails, they would normally dissipate in about 20 minutes. This is a mess, we are being sprayed like a crop duster," said Murphy.

Could he be right?

Who knows. They certainly didn't make much of an effort to look into it or offer up any other plausible explanation.

Maybe the military is testing "stupid gas"?

If so, I have to say it appears to be working.

It would certainly go a long way towards explaining the goings-on around here.