Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Happy Thanksmas

So just came in from walking the dogs and I couldn't help but notice Jim has jumped the gun and started putting up Christmas decorations. I don't know whether he couldn't control his enthusiasm or if he just got bored with the limited possibilities Thanksgiving offered, but in either case, all the hanging crap in his tree has come down and been replaced with large plastic ornaments. They hover over the poor turkey with the 12 pack like a giant mushroom cloud. It's a very mixed message - I hope the children aren't confused.

And Jim isn't alone. Christmas wreaths and lights have been popping up all over. Christmas is going to be much bigger than I imagined. I thought once Jim started decorating for Halloween that perhaps the entire neighborhood might go All-Hallows-Crazy, but it quickly fizzled, leaving Jim as a lone wolf. But that was the Devil's holiday, and now we're talking about the Baby Jesus, so I think it's going to be HUGE.