Monday, November 2, 2009

Burn, Baby, Burn

So they announced on the news this morning that today is a "No Burn Day".

Hmmm.... "No Burn" what? Books? Witches? They didn't say.

Obviously it has something to do with the wretched air quality here. Maybe they're afraid it's going to spontaneously combust today. Certainly wouldn't surprise me. The air quality is measured on a sliding scale, with nifty graphics on the newscasts. At one end, you have "Good", which you never have to worry about because you're never going to see it. They might as well as labeled it "Unicorns". At the other end, you have "Hazardous", which I imagine leaves people collapsed on the ground in spasms, gasping for air like fish on a boat deck. Haven't seen that yet, put everyone acts as if it's right around the river bend. Which leaves every day in this great nebulous middle range labeled "Unhealthy for Sensitive People". "Sensitive People" is code for "People With Lungs". At any rate, it's not something I have to worry about today, because I'm off to LA to pick up a job. Never thought I'd look forward to LA for a breath of fresh air, but there you go.