And now a word about the Ladies of Bakersfield.
It doesn't take long before you realize there is a signature "look" for the women of Bako. I'm not talking about fashion, because there's really not much to say about that. "Ready-to-Wear" Bako style usually involves a track suit. "Evening Wear" consists of a Brad Paisley concert tee that's been run through a Bedazzler©.
No, today we're talking about hairstyles. And while the hairstyles here run the gamut of everything you could possibly find at SuperCuts or Fantastic Sam's, there's one style that rises head and shoulders above the rest. One style that is so ubiquitous it is obviously the clear favorite among the Real Housewives of Bako.
I'm talking about the "BakerDoo".
At least that's what the boyfriend and I have named it.
You start with a bad bob, usually unintentionally asymmetrical. And then you pile up a huge dome of hair at the back, like an overcooked Jiffy Pop popper. Over process the whole mess and then top it off with prison stripe highlights. And Voila!, the BakerDoo.
Seriously, on what planet does anyone think this looks good?
And yet you see it here everywhere.
Truth be told, the highlight craze isn't limited to the Bakerdoo. There is absolutely no cut here that can't be embellished with a bold stripe or two. Or three. Go to the mall and it looks like a wild herd of zebras has been let loose.
I really just don't get it. It's not like they don't have access to the real world here. They have television. They have the internet. It's not like they can't see there are other options. But that's Bako... marching to a different drummer. And a badly coiffed one at that.
Makes you want to just curl up and dye.