Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Bronze Age

How sad is this? Yesterday was our anniversary and we both forgot.

We were having dinner last night and I asked the boyfriend if the rent had been paid because it was the 1st and then a look just passed over our faces as we realized what day it was. He has some mitigating circumstances - he just started a new job on Monday and he's been understandably preoccupied. I have no such excuse, especially since last Friday I stuck a post-it with "REMEMBER FLOWERS WEDNESDAY" on it on my desk. Of course I buried it under paperwork over the past couple of days.

It isn't quite as tragic as it sounds. We met in Palm Springs over Labor Day weekend, so we've always celebrated over that weekend even if the date is off. But still, we've never missed the actual date.

I'll have to see what I can do to make it up. Somehow I don't think an Applebee's gift card is going to cut it. This will be our "Bronze" anniversary so maybe...

Maybe not. Gotta give this some thought...