Tuesday, January 19, 2010

When It Rains...

We've been hit with wave after wave of storms for the past two days. And by "wave", I'm talking a quarter to a half of an inch of rain at a time. Here, that's ark-building weather.

The rain has, however, exposed a somewhat fundamental fly in the ointment. It would appear the morons in the Hooterville planning department blew their entire budget on their too-clever-by-half, eternally exasperating rat's maze master plan. And so there was no money left for... storm drains.

A quarter inch of rain turns the entire town into the Everglades. I happened to be out driving during the last wave of rain and absolutely everything was flooded after 20 minutes. I thought maybe a drain was blocked, so I was checking the curb as I drove and I'd gone over a mile before I saw one. Turns out the nearest one to our house is four blocks away.

I'm sure it will all eventually drain before the mosquitos start breeding.

On a lighter note, after four waves of rainstorms, there was a brief break in the weather and I walked out front to see to see my crazy neighbor Mary doing what Bakopudlians do best...

Watering her lawn.