Saturday, January 23, 2010

The End Of The World - Film At 11

Well I have to give Bako credit for one thing - it's nice not living under the constant threat of annihilation from the elements.

Just out of morbid curiosity I pulled up the local news from LA during the past week of El NiƱo storms.

Mudslides, evacuations, flooding, mayhem.

You know, "Winter in LA".

Sure we had some flooding too in Hooterville, but it drained surprisingly quickly, taking all the trash, dirt and pollutants with it. No doubt that'll be our drinking water for the next few months, but hey, it's Bako, what do you expect.

But LA... yikes. I'd forgotten what that was like. Living in the Hollywood Hills, you basically have only two seasons, Wildfires and Mudslides. You're either preparing for the worst or dealing with the aftermath. Had we not lost the house, I'm sure I'd be spending this weekend shoveling tons of mud out of the backyard.

Or worse, figuring out how to replace the failed retaining walls. They were already leaning like the Tower at Pisa last season, when we had little rain. I'd be very surprised if they're still standing. Not my problem anymore. The further we get from the loss of the house, the more I'm seeing it for the money pit it was, however stylish.

I hope the new owner has a Trust Fund, because he's going to need it.