Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hopey Changey

You know we're headed over the cliff into another presidential election year when the bumper stickers start popping up and recently I've started seeing a bunch of them.

But here's the thing...

They've all been "Obama 2012".

That's just kooky.

In Kern County? Where Republican outnumber Democrats 2 to 1?

But that's what I've observed. I haven't seen a single Republican one. Granted, they haven't settled on a nominee yet and I don't envy them the task of picking one. It's like a rodeo with nothing but clowns. But still.

I don't even see many Anti-Obama stickers anymore. When we first moved here, they were everywhere, which I found strange since the guy had only been in office 6 months.

I don't know what to make of it, if anything.

According to the media, Obama is on the ropes and the country has turned on him. Perhaps that isn't really the case.

Or maybe everyone just has new cars.