I see they finally replaced the local weather man. The last one was unceremoniously fired back in May for being a sanctimonious turd.
He was a Born Again Christian and proud of it. Are there any other kind? He was constantly dropping Jesus references into the weather segment. It was so gratuitous it was even too much for this town. He was constantly reprimanded and finally dialed it back. But things blew up back during the May sweeps. The station was doing an exposé on the numerous local strip clubs and pimping the story with TV spots featuring possibly underage strippers wrapped around a pole.
When the day finally arrived for the big peep show, the weatherman refused to go on. Said the story violated his deeply held Christian beliefs. He offered to call in sick. They told him he couldn't - his contract clearly states he can take no time off during ratings sweeps. So he did it anyway. And they fired him.
Works for me.
His forecasts were always off, which isn't what you'd expect from the divinely inspired.
Anyhow, the new guy started tonight. His name is Collin, and he looks scared. I don't blame him.
I actually felt really sorry for him, being dumped into Bakersfield. But then I found out he just moved down from Fresno. So it's really just a lateral transfer.