I hate this fucking town.
Oops... did I say that out loud?
Ah fuck it, I don't even care anymore.
I can't really get into the details of anything for fear of blowing my carefully crafted anonymity but suffice it to say it's become painfully obvious that there is no future here. This place is just too provincial. In a town where residency is measured in generations, not years, I could live here a decade and still be treated like a big city carpetbagger. At the end of the day, it's simply just not worth the effort.
So earlier this week, I dusted off the resumé, shaved off everything prior to year 2000 and stuffed it with a bushel of algorithm snagging buzz words. For the last three days I've been trawling the web for a job. So far I've narrowed my search to "anywhere but here".
Will it work? Who knows. It didn't before; that's how we ended up here in the first place. But I'll never know if I don't try and I can't really think of what else to do.
And as if all that wasn't depressing enough, I've also had to contend with the Zombie Pyramid Scheme That Just Won't Die... "Mona Vie".
More on that next week. I simply don't have the strength to tackle that story today.