Did you know you can camp at Walmart? I didn't.
Evidently Walmart's corporate policy is to let RV'ers park overnight in their parking lots. And people do.
The company propaganda says something along the lines of good ole' Sam Walton was an avid RV'er and this is just his little "thank you" to the RV community. I don't buy it. I think they're just being cheap. What a shock. With a bunch of old geezers manning the perimeter in Winnebagos they can probably cut way back on security costs.
Now, I can maybe see some instances where it would be beneficial. You're midway on a long trip and you just need a pit stop for the night before you continue on. That, I get. But here's the thing... people seem to actually make the WalMart parking lot their destination!
We went to WalMart yesterday and I was stunned to see a whole encampment of RV's near the back of the lot. They weren't just parked there short term. They had the awnings unfurled and the lawn chairs out and were leisurely enjoying the view... of the oil refinery across the street. It was 105 yesterday and probably ten degrees hotter on the asphalt.
This is a vacation?
I realize people are unbelievably cheap - that's the whole reason WalMart exists. But seriously... what is wrong with people?