Today is the day! Today is the day the fireworks stands open!
At noon, to be precise.
Although it appears some folks jumped the gun. When I was walking the dogs last night I could here firecrackers and M-80's going off in the distance.
Or it could've been gunfire.
Hard to tell.
Either way, it was festive.
I thought you could only shoot them off on the actual Fourth, but Bakersfield has a very forgiving fireworks policy - you can shoot them off every day up to the Fourth from noon to midnight. So we're guaranteed four full days of news reports of burning houses and missing fingers.
We've budgeted $100 for fireworks. I haven't told the boyfriend that yet. Yesterday I observed several of the stands loading their stock in and based on that I think this year we're going to go with Christian fireworks. The Evangelicals around the corner seem to be stocking a lot more firepower than the Boy Scouts down the street. Pussies.
I'm not sure what to make of the Christians and explosives. Part of me finds the whole idea a little unsettling. I suppose it's just a sign of the times these days.
I'm not too worried; the ones around the corner are Mennonite.
If they were Baptists, I'd be concerned.