I wrote a post about a month ago about our surprising lack of cockroaches.
Yeah, well... you can disregard that. They're back.
Evidently I jumped the gun and engaged in some wishful thinking. You'd think by now I'd know better; Bakersfield is where wishful thinking goes to die.
We first started noticing them last week and over the weekend they started coming out of the woodwork. Literally. Sunday night I was jolted awake by one skittering across my face. It took me hours to fall back asleep.
I just don't get it. In my adult life, I've lived in some shithole apartments in unsavory parts of LA, and I NEVER had a problem with roaches. People say "Oh well, it's because you're in farm land..." Listen - my grandparents lived on a farm and I spent summers back there and I never saw cockroaches. Junebugs, yes. And I'll admit, they're basically flying cockroaches. But I never saw anything like this.
Every morning now it's like "The Deadliest Catch", checking to see what the nightly haul was. This morning, we found seven just in one bathroom. Right now they're small, but it's early in the season. By July they'll be as big as coasters.
The locals just shrug it off. I guess they have no other choice.
I suppose they day the roaches stop bothering me will be the day I've given up all hope of leaving here.
Let's hope that day never comes.