New York changed everything.
Before New York, if you would have told me I'd be the type of person to sink this low and deal with an addiction, I would have told you you were crazy.
But it happened, it's nothing we're proud of, it ended, time to move on.
But then came Atlanta, and it happened all over again. By now we both realized we had a problem, but we thought we could manage it. Turns out, we were wrong, because by the time we reached Beverly Hills, we knew we were probably beyond hope and we just had to accept it.
Accept the fact that we're addicted to the Real Housewives.
Not all of them, mind you. We have our standards. They're low, but we have them.
Never watched the original OC version. It had absolutely no appeal to me because I grew up there. Of course, back then it was still a right wing backwater, not unlike Bako, and we all joked about living "behind the Orange Curtain". But somewhere along the line people realized that beachfront real estate was beachfront real estate and southern OC morphed into a Nouveau Riche Gold Coast. Make that "Gold-Plated Coast"... there isn't much substance below the veneer of gaudy opulence. At any rate, no thanks.
Didn't watch the DC version. It just lacked the pizazz. While I'm sure a dinner party with the Secretary of Agriculture is fascinating in it's own way, there was no way it could compete with drunken psychics at Camille Grammer's Malibu hacienda. Doesn't matter anyhow because it was cancelled this morning.
We're on the fence with New Jersey. Didn't watch the first season, but got oddly sucked in last year. It could go either way this season, although I think the whole Jersey Guido schtick has played out.
But as far as the others - New York, Beverly Hills, Atlanta and Miami - we are all in. And not ashamed about it. Not any more.
Last night was the season premier of New York, and it was just like old times. The Countess, Crazy Kelly, Jillzarin, creepy Alex (who looks like Herman Munster's love child), slutty Sonia and new warrior princess Cindy.... I'm getting Ramotional just thinking about it. Good times.
We planned our whole evening around it. The boyfriend called from work and we decided to splurge and order in. But here's the odd thing. He said he had confided in a co-worker about our evening plans, barely concealing his excitement. And it turns out just about everyone he works with was planning on doing the same. They're all closet Real Housewives fans. Even the guys. Actually, especially the guys.
Something about that just doesn't feel right. There may be more here than meets the eye.