The boyfriend made the drive into LA yesterday for a couple of doctors appointments. I was planning on accompanying him, but just had too many deadlines to escape for the day.
We originally kept our LA doctors because our belief was that our stay in Bako would be brief. Embarrassing, but brief. Like Lindsay Lohan in rehab. Even when that proved not to be the case, we still did it. If you saw all the local doctors hawking their wares on TV like used car salesmen, you'd understand.
We both miss LA desperately and driving back is always so heartbreaking. You can't help but be consumed by thoughts of what once was and might have been. And you notice everything that's changed and you realize that the city is moving on without you.
He took the opportunity while he was there to drop by some old friends and stop for lunch at one of our favorite neighborhood restaurants. And it was there that that the reality of our changed lives really hit home, because it was there that the waiter spoke those four magical words...
"Would you like anchovies?"
The boyfriend almost broke down in tears.
Because, you see, not only can you not get anchovies in Bako, they've never even heard of them here.
"Come again? An... what?"
Since the boyfriend is quite fond of Caesar salads, and you can't have a proper Caesar salad without anchovies, it's been a particular loss. Ask for anchovies in Bakersfield and they'll look at you like you just ordered yak. It was the highlight of his trip and the first thing he mentioned when he got home.
And that's the thing about Bakersfield. On paper, it probably doesn't look that bad, but once you live hear it's like death by a thousand paper cuts. When it comes right down to it, it's the little things in life that make it worth living.
Like little, little fish.