Yesterday was the Grand Opening of the new Golden Corral.
Yesterday was also the Grand Closing of the new Golden Corral.
They opened yesterday morning to overflow crowds and it looked like they were on pace to set a record for number of people at a Golden Corral on an opening day. That says more about Bako than it does about the restaurant I think.
Then, around 2pm, the lights and kitchen equipment started to suddenly shut down.
It would appear that someone miscalculated just how much electricity 140 warming trays suck down.
As more of the restaurant started to go dark, they started turning people away and evacuated the people already enjoying their re-heated cuisine. And then they closed.
Leave it to Bakersfield to fuck up a Golden Corral.
The finger pointing has already begun. The builder is blaming the local utility, PG&E (Pathetic Gas & Electric) for not running enough juice into the building. PG&E is blaming the builder for an inadequate, poorly designed building. In the meantime they've moved in a mammoth potable generator truck and they vow to reopen later today. Even as they showed hundreds of pounds of spoiled meat being wheeled into a dumpster on the morning news.
Yeah... we'll be eating there reeeal soon. Not.