Jim seems to be a little unclear on the concept of a yard sale. The part about hauling all your worthless crap out into the drive and onto the lawn, that part he understands. He's been doing it all morning. There's currently a dishwasher, a stove, a washer and dryer, and sundry other trash artfully displayed out in front of his house. And tires. Two sets of tires. I really don't understand what it is with these people and used tires.
The crucial missing part of the equation is the part where you do it all on a weekend. When people are home. And free to come by and do a little window shopping. Or yard shopping. That part, Jim hasn't quite processed yet.
This isn't the first time he's done this. The last time was on a Tuesday and he was bitching about it for days, didn't have a single soul stop by to look. I tried to politely point out at the time that perhaps the problem was the timing, but he waved me off saying...
"If there's good shit, people will stop. And I got good shit."
He's out there right now in a lawn chair with a cocktail, waiting for business I fear will never materialize.
It's going to be a long day for Jim