Well that's a bummer. They fired my favorite weather girl, Melissa Dignan. Sure, her voice was like a metal rake dragged down a concrete sidewalk, but over time you got used to it. And she used to bring her little dog, Shelby, on the set, which was kind of endearing.
They sure do burn through weather people down at KERO. She's like the fourth one to be kicked to the curb since we've lived here. My favorite was Lloyd Lindsay Young, who used to have viewers send in strange objects for him to use as pointers with the weather map. Once, it was a mannequin leg, another time it was a dildo. Come to think of it, the dildo is probably why Lloyd isn't with us anymore.
At any rate, I'm going to miss her. I hope she lands on her feet somewhere. When they fired the sports guy, he ended up in Wichita. I think we can all agree, that's a step up.