Friday, September 25, 2009

The Lawn King 2

Just finishing up my post on the lawns.... It isn't just that. I've never lived anywhere with such disregard for any and all things related to the environment. I don't know if it's the inbred Republican belief that anything related to the environment is a "MSM/Liberal conspiracy", or the fundamentalist biblical mindset that God provided all these wonderful resources for us to waste as we see fit. Probably a toxic mixture of both. Maybe they believe the faster we use it all up, the quicker we'll arrive at their cherished "End Times". Whatever. With toilets that use about 8 gallons a flush, we're gonna get there pretty quick.

The city does offer recycling, surprisingly. But as far as I can tell, it's just a convenient way to identify all the liberals in the neighborhood. For the neighbors. You know... "just in case". I've only ever seen two houses in this entire "development" that use them. And now us. That's gotta be strike number 2....... "They're gay, and.......THEY RECYCLE!"