Just to prove I'm not a completely heartless bastard I thought it would be nice to list some of the things about Bakersfield I'm going to miss. And I will, just as soon as I think of some. Seriously, it's harder than it looks. I spun through the blog looking for some forgotten highlight or memorable experience and came up blank. I even enlisted the aid of the boyfriend who generally has a sunnier disposition and is less hostile to all things Bako (but not by much). He had nothing. In fact, the only thing we agreed we would miss were the Fourth of July Fireworks. They were fun. Never underestimate the simple joy of blowing shit up.
The one thing I will miss is this blog. It's been immensely therapeutic and most days it's the only creative thing I get to do.
I'm on the fence as to whether to continue blogging. On the one hand, this blog was born out of desperation and despair, which I'm hoping will be in short supply once we move. Also too the bitterness and resentment which powered it for two plus years. It may have served its purpose and run its course and I wouldn't want to be accused of milking it and overstaying my welcome. Like the last two seasons of "LOST".
On the other hand, I do love writing. And after meeting Tina and looking back on Cindy, it's not like there won't be a wealth of fun topics down in the OC. If I do decide to keep on writing, it will be at a new blog with a new name. I'll close the last chapter on "Lost In Bako" and let it rest in peace.