We were headed out the door for the morning walk when I was shocked to see Dave jog by.
I don't know if his name is Dave. He looks like a Dave to me. Mid 40's, lean and balding.
He lives around the corner on one of the countless dead end streets which also happens to be one of the dogs preferred routes. On the days they choose that particular path, we always run into Dave. Because Dave is a runner.
A very serious runner.
You can tell by his outfit. He's always decked out in a skin tight, lycra running suit. He must have dozens of them because I don't believe I've ever seen the same one twice. He also must have dozens of pairs of running shoes, because the shoes are always coordinated with the outfit. He also wears goggles.
He lives in the third house from the corner, and as we walk by he's always in the midst of his elaborate warm-up routine. Part stretching, part Tai Chi, part meditation and all zen. I used to say "Good Morning", but he always just ignores us. Because Dave is in "The Zone".
We continue on our way, zigging and zagging three or four blocks until we come to the end of the street. We double back around and as we come back upon Dave, he's in the middle of the street. At some point he crouches down behind imaginary starter's blocks. He bows his head, eye's closed in concentration. And then his head snaps up, eyes focused ahead like a laser. He hears the imaginary crack of a starter's pistol and he's off.
He explodes in a burst of speed at the start but soon settles into rhythmic gait, pacing himself. But as he nears the end of his run, he pours on the juice in a frantic sprint. As his chest snaps the imaginary finish tape, Dave thrusts his arms into the air in victory.
Dave has run 100 feet.
Seriously, he runs from his driveway to the stop sign at the corner. Can't be more than 100 feet.
Although you'd never know it by looking at him. He huffs and puffs, hands on his hips, pacing in circles catching his breath as if he's just run back to back marathons. And then he goes home.
It bizarre. The only explanation I can think of is maybe he's on house arrest and that's as far as he can go without triggering an ankle monitor.
Or maybe he's just a lunatic, like the rest of 'em.
At any rate, that's why I was shocked to see him running all the way over here. Maybe he's now on parole.