We finally have our parole date, the day our exile in Hooterville mercifully comes to an end...
March 10.
We'd move sooner, but it's just logistically impossible. Such a shame.
We moved to Bakersfield on September 12, 2009, the day after the 8th anniversary of 9/11. From one unimaginable tragedy to another. For those first few months I used to keep track of the days, like an inmate, but after 100 it just became too depressing to contemplate. Every once and awhile morbid curiosity would get the better of me and I'd tally up the days of our unplanned stay. The last time I checked we had just crossed the 800 mark.
Now that we have an exit date I figured I'd add the days and see just how long we will have been stuck here by the time we see Bako in the rearview mirror for the last time. And the final number will be...
Make of that what you will, but it's kinda creepy.