So today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and the official beginning of Winter. And according to some people, it also starts the clock ticking on the End Of Times.
The Mayan calendar ends in exactly one year and many people believe that's it, game over.
Well guess what? Our calendar ends in 10 days and no one's freaking out. And you know why? Because WE BUY A NEW ONE. FOR THE NEXT YEAR. No big deal.
For the Mayans, the calendar ran 5000 YEARS. When your calendar runs 5000 years there's probably no rush to start work on the next one. The Mayans were probably sitting around, taking a break, figuring they had another 5 or 6 hundred years to carve the next one when the Spanish showed up. If the Mayans were still around, the next calendar would probably already be in stores.
At Hallmark.
With kittens on it.
Although I'd opt for the desk one. With 1.8 million days, the wall one would be a bitch to hang.
At any rate, if by some odd chance the world does end in a year, somebody text me. I live in Bakersfield and I'm not sure we'd notice.