We've left town for the long holiday weekend.
We haven't gone far, but we've gone far enough, trust me.
Yesterday I noticed the neighborhood was eerily desolate, more so than usual. We're something of an anomaly in that we actually use our garage to park our cars. Everyone else seems to have turned their garages into macho man-caves or episodes of "Hoarders".
All of our neighbors park their cars out in the driveway, next to the boats and RVs. And yesterday they were all gone. All of them.... cars, boats, RVs. It would appear that just about everyone is gone for the weekend and I couldn't shake the feeling that we were going to be robbed.
Call it a hunch. I'm paranoid that way.
As I was running errands that afternoon I noticed some shiftless strangers hanging out down the street and when I returned home I did the only logical thing. I started hiding things. Cameras. Computer equipment. Jewelery. Just in case.
The boyfriend eventually came home and we packed up the car and the dogs and off we went. As we were leaving our neighborhood and turning onto a main drag, we noticed some other shifty characters loitering about and the boyfriend turned to me and said "I have this weird feeling we might get robbed this weekend."
Funny you should mention it, I said.
I told him I'd had the same feeling and told him what I had done that afternoon. There were a few moments of silence and then the boyfriend executed a perfect Bat Turn and headed back to the house. As I sat with the dogs in my lap, the boyfriend rushed back into the house and emerged a few moments later with everything of value he could carry, mostly watches and jewelery. Essentially, we robbed our own house.
At least we'll have that if we come home and find the house wrapped in police tape.