I was listening to NPR yesterday. I listen to entirely too much NPR. They offhandedly mentioned that yesterday was the third anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the event that seems to have pretty much started the Great Recession, the first of many dominos to fall.
It's strange because it feels like both so long ago and just like yesterday. Within a year of that date we'd both lost our jobs and our home and found ourselves exiled to Bakersfield. Good times.
They also helpfully added that 1 in 3 economists feel we'll enter another recession within the next 12 months (the first one ended?). The consensus, they say, is that there won't be any noticeable improvement in the economy until 2014, and it will probably be 2020 before things return to "normal", if they ever do.
Armed with all this new information, one thing became crystal clear to me...
I need to stop listening to NPR.