To live in Bakersfield is to be transported back to a simpler time where men are men and woman are ladies. And nowhere is that more apparent than watching the local sports report. They may not be happy with Title IX here, but darn it, that's no reason to lose your manners. That's why here we have "Ladies Sports".
Cal State Bakersfield is Home of the Roadrunners, or Runners for short. And also Home of the "Lady Runners."
We also have the Bakersfield College Renegades, which all the local sportscasters irritatingly insist on referring to as "The Gades". So of course you end up with the "Lady Gades", which sounds like a hygiene issue.
And it all carries over into High School sports, so we have "Lady Hawks" and "Lady Gauchos" and "Lady Vikings"... you get the point.
But pity the poor girls who play sports for Bakersfield High...
"Home of the Drillers".
Yes, it's also home of the "Lady Drillers".
Again, another missed merchandising opportunity. Do you have any idea how much money you could make off "Lady Driller" gear? Especially around Spring Break? Or the Jersey Shore? I think I may just try and pimp myself out as their marketing director.
And on a totally unrelated sports note, I noticed last week that it had been ages since I'd seen a little Mandick.
Not that. Get your mind out of the gutter. I'm talking about my favorite local sportscaster, the brash, bombastic, never subtle Karl Mandick...
It occurred to me I hadn't seen him in awhile, so I went to the website of his station and he was gone! Turns out, he left...
Back in July.
I guess I didn't miss him as much as I thought since it took me six months to notice he was gone. At any rate, it looks like he landed in Wichita! And somewhere along the way he lost his Dick - he's just "Karl Man" now. I suppose from a branding standpoint, it's a good move. But if you ever saw him in action, you'd know "once a Dick, always a Dick", no matter how you spell it.