Will wonders never cease. All moved in AND we have internet access!
I have to say everything went remarkably well. The movers were smooth and efficient. I watched them from the backyard where I was casually blowing smoke over Mary's fence. She was pretending not to be home but I knew I had her pinned inside. It took them two hours to pack everything up and I went through most of a pack. I probably took two weeks off my life, but it was worth it.
There was only one odd moment throughout the move. It's Bakersfield, so I guess I should be grateful there was only one. We were about halfway moved into the new place and the boyfriend and I were taking a little break in the backyard, when in sauntered a not unattractive kid. He looked to be mid 20's, dirty blond surfer looks. He introduced himself as one of our new neighbors, Nick.
I once lived in West Hollywood, and if a handsome young buck took the trouble to come and introduce himself to you as you moved in it would open up a world of interesting possibilities. I'm pretty sure that's not how things work here.
Nick introduced himself and welcomed us to the neighborhood. There was something a little shifty about him, but I couldn't tell you what it was. Maybe the fact he avoided eye contact at all costs. He seemed a little uncomfortable and I began to wonder if he was doing recon for the neighbors, checking out the story of the two "confirmed bachelors" who'd just moved in next door.
"It's a really great neighborhood" Nick said. "You just have to be careful. There's been a lot of robberies lately". He then proceeded to list all the recent victims. Mostly things stolen out of open garages, but he did mention an elderly lady who's entire house was cleaned out while she was at church. It all seemed kind of strange. We'd lived right around the corner for over a year and I never heard anything about a crime wave.
And then, just like that, he was off.
"What was that all about? I asked the boyfriend. "It all seemed weird. He wouldn't look at me."
"That's because he's stoned" my boyfriend replied.
Oh. I hadn't noticed.
I went to the front yard and looked down the block and saw Nick aimlessly weaving his way back home.
OK, sure, maybe he was stoned. I still think he was casing the joint.