Technology has kind of ruined New Year's Eve.
When we got up this morning shortly after 5am, they were already celebrating the New Year in Sydney. What a spectacular that was. CNN will be showing New Year's every hour, on the hour, as the festivities slowly creep across the globe. I just noticed that several of my Facebook "Friends" (or as I like to refer to them, "Total Strangers") are traveling in the Far East and just posted photos of celebrations there. With satellite TV and an East Coast feed, we can ring in the New Year in Times Square... at 9pm. By the time the big moment finally arrives here on the West Coast it always feel like you've arrived at the party late after everyone's already left and the hosts are clearing the dishes. Such is life for the geographically disabled.
I don't really do "New Year's Resolutions", preferring instead "New Year's Suggestions". There's much less guilt and depression when February rolls around and you realize you aren't all that resolute. Topping the list are always "quit smoking" and "lose weight" followed by an ever rotating roster of good ideas that never seem to go anywhere.
But this year is different. This year I'm actually making a resolution and I'm sticking to it.
Next year is going to be different. Next year I'm not letting despair overtake me and I'm going to approach everything with a positive outlook and a belief in the possible. For real. I'm going to make things happen.
I'm even going to bring this positive outlook to Bakersf...
Oh, who are we kidding? I'd have nothing to write about. Where's the fun in that?
So... other than Bakersfield, next year is going to be GREAT.
Maybe we'll go out and enjoy the festivities tonight.
I hear they're dropping a giant cow pie at midnight down at Buck Owens' Crystal Palace.
Happy New Year!