Some days I get pangs of guilt for mercilessly mocking Bakersfield. Feelings of regret. Moments of remorse. Second th.....
Oh, who are we kidding. That never happens.
It never happens and let me tell you why - Even the natives aren't terribly fond of this place.
A woman I'd worked with gave me a lead on what could potentially be a lucrative client. I'd actually already done work for them, but I'd done it as a freelancer through one of the agencies. She gave me the contact info for the owner, but after two weeks none of my e-mail or voicemail had been returned. Undeterred, I put together a slick little promotional package featuring the work I'd done for them and decided to hand deliver it to the office. I figured I wouldn't get past the receptionist, but I hoped it would at least get in front of the owner.
I stopped by the office and explained who I was to the front desk staff. The receptionist excused herself and surprisingly enough returned with the owner. I gave him my brief intro and he invited me into his office for a little chat. I handed him my samples and as he started to leaf through them I started in on my standard spiel...
"Yadda, yadda, yadda, and then last year we relocated from Los Angeles to Bakersfi..."
He cut me off.
"Good God, son! Why on earth did you do that?!"
Trust me - I cry myself to sleep each night trying to answer that question.
He looked genuinely concerned and I found myself stumbling for an answer.
He explained that he was Bakersfield born and bred and that the only reason he was still there was the business. As it was, he and his wife also had a home on the Central Coast, and he only drove in to Bako a couple of days a week as needed.
That isn't the first time I'd heard a story like that. Evidently if you're looking for the neighborhood where all the successful people of Bako live, look no further than... Pismo Beach. Two hours away.
He liked my work and said he'd pass it along to his son. Turns out he's grooming him to take over the business.
"I'm counting the days 'til that boy takes over. Can't wait to get the hell out of here for good".
I know the feeling.