Another lovely day in Bako. It was a balmy 75 degrees... at 5am.
One of the most deceiving things about moving to Bako, and trust me, there are plenty to choose from, is the unbelievably cheap housing costs. We were able to rent a three bedroom house in a nice part of town for less than the cost of a storage facility, which was our other option when the house in LA sold so quickly. In LA, this same house would probably rent for four times what we pay.
But they never tell you about the air conditioning. See, for basically a third of the year, Bakersfield is hotter than the surface of Mercury. For four months out of the year, your air conditioning will be running 24/7.
And it aint cheap.
To be honest, I'd never before seen an electric bill that was higher than my car payment. Or cable bill. Combined.
But the people here don't seem to mind in the least. They actually seem to be quite proud of their air conditioners. Why else would they display them so prominently? Plopped down on the most conspicuous part of the roof for everyone to see.
They're all the size of a minivan. Bigger is definitely better when it comes to the AC.
It must be a status thing here. Screw the Mercedes in the driveway, I got a Luxaire 8900 on the roof and it can make snow.
Makes the neighbors blue with envy.