Dumb flies.
You can't be surrounded by this much manure encrusted farmland and not have flies, and Bako has them in spades.
But, they're stupid.
I first noticed this during the first of many heat waves back in June. The house was full of flies, despite our best efforts to keep them out, but they were all just hovering around and lazily moving between rooms and you could walk right up and catch them with your hands.
I chalked it to the heat. Even though it was air conditioned inside, the broiling heat outside must have dulled their senses and slowed their reactions.
Or so I thought.
The weather has been surprisingly mild (for Bako), with temps seemingly stuck a degree or two over or under 100. Trust me, that's considered "brisk" for Bakersfield. And yet, the flies still seem to be operating at half speed. It's hardly sporting, being able to just walk up and whack them without much of a fight. But it's still somehow satisfying.
So there 'ya go.... Short Bus Flies.
Just one of the many “Wonders of Bako”.