As cynical as I am, even I have to admit that Bakersfield isn't without it's small town charms, as I discovered this morning.
I was out walking the dogs when a school bus rumbled around the corner. As it was passing by, I heard the air breaks go off and the bus came to a screeching halt right beside us. The driver's window slid open and a pleasant looking woman leaned out.
"I used to have two dogs just like yours and I always enjoy seeing you out walking your dogs every morning. It always makes my day. Today is the last day of school and I won't see you guys for awhile and I just wanted to let you know."
How sweet is that? You wouldn't find that in the big city.
"When I went through my divorce, the husband got the dogs and I got the kids. He's always getting the better end of the deal."
And with that, her window slid closed and she trundled off on her route.
Thank you lady bus driver! You made my day too!