The day before I left on my little unplanned holiday I noticed new tenants moving into our old rental.
I've now seen them several times - the dogs still like to walk past the duplex. Y'know, for old times sake.
And I think I can say with some certainty one thing is true...
Mary's karma train has pulled into the station! Big time.
These people are chain smokers! Heavy, heavy chain smokers. The type who light their next cigarette with the one they're currently smoking.
Every time I've seen them, a couple, they both have smokes dangling out of their mouth. And the wife, or girlfriend, smokes the loooong ones, the ones that last F O R E V E R. Not only that, but they've placed a cafe table (with ashtray) and chairs right by the front door, right next to Mary's.
So she's getting it from both ends.
So to speak.
Poor dear.