The neighbors got together and created a community ice rink! Isn't that nice? And just in time for the holidays.
Actually, it's strictly by accident. The first of many, I'm sure.
For the past week the overnight temperature in Bako has dropped below freezing, but a little sub-zero weather isn't going to deter the people of Bakersfield from their God-given right to water their lawns for 8 hours. In Bakersfield, a lawn isn't properly watered until you can scuba dive in it. Most people aren't satisfied until their front yard looks like a reflecting pool. The sprinklers usually kick in before dawn. Water sheets over the sidewalks. It pools in the driveways and gutters because the brain trust down at City Hall never quite understood proper drainage. And over the past week, early in the morning, it freezes.
It makes walking the dogs an adventure, I'll say that. I should pick the nicest home and slip in front of it. Mama needs a new pair of shoes.
During the just past election, everyone and their mother was bitching and moaning about getting more water, getting "our fair share". Yet they released a report earlier this year showing that 75% of all the water use in Bakersfield is for landscaping, and the way it's done here that means most of the water just flows into the gutter and down the drain.
Or it would, if they could figure it out.