I knew something was up on Saturday when I received a notice from Sirius/XM informing me that my service would be cut if I didn't pay my past due charges immediately. That would be bad news if I'd actually ever signed up for the service.
And sure enough, last night I discovered I'd been a victim of identity theft.
Well, good luck with that.
Do you know what they're going to get if they hack into any of my accounts?
Within three days of losing the LA house in a short sale, every single account I had was suspended or closed. The only card I still have that works is my supermarket club card, and if they hack into that all their going to get for their trouble is a free can of dog food. I don't know what the hourly rate for hackers is these days, but they're actually going to lose money going after me.
All the same, I'm still starting the joyless task of reclaiming my identity and to be honest, my heart really isn't in it. My "identity", such as it is these days, is so damaged and abused it hardly seems worth the effort. You should be able to trade your identity in when it's worn out and useless. If you can total a Ford Fiesta and move on, why not your identity?
I've finally done what I've avoided for the past three years - ordered a copy of my credit report. While I haven't been able to open so much as a Petco account, someone was able to get Howard Stern for free for months. Lord knows what other damage has been done. When I picture finally viewing my credit report, I imagine viewing a mutilated body after a horrible murder. I see my credit report on a stainless steel gurney, covered with a sheet. The Credit Coroner comes in and slowly draws down the sheet. I gasp in horror and collapse in sobs...
"Yes that's my credit.... what kind of monster could've done something like that?!?!"
I was on the phone last night with Lisa, a very nice woman, closing accounts that were possibly still accessable.
"Have you filed a police report?"
"Was it necessary?" I asked.
I really couldn't handle another midnight visit from the B.P.D.
I think I've suffered enough.