I returned home last night to discover Hiawatha was back. At least that's what we call her. That's her above. We won her as a white elephant gift at a party a couple of years ago. She's made out of plaster and painted in metallic tones. There's glitter too. She's lovely.
After doing a little Googling I discovered it's actually the warrior Popocatépetl and the princess Iztaccihuatl from Aztec mythology...
I can't even pronounce that, so I'm gonna stick with Hiawatha.
At any rate, we initially hung her up just for shits and giggles, but after a few months the joke wore thin and it didn't really go with anything. Obviously. So down she came, to be replaced with something more tasteful.
But she's back. The boyfriend, with entirely too much free time on his hands, came to the conclusion that she's cursed. According to his logic, everything bad that's happened to us in the past couple of years happened after we took her down and slid her under the couch. She was mad and vengeful and took out her wrath on us by banishing us to Bakersfield and ruining us financially. He feels that by hanging her back up it will appease her and perhaps the curse will be lifted.
I think he's gone mad, but what the hell. I'll try anything at this point.