But I've since done a 180.
Why the change of heart?
Well, over the weekend I took my own little Magical Mystery Tour of the city, and in my travels I came upon this...
The "Arc de Bako".
Grand, no?
A monumental arch, spanning a wide, tree-lined boulevard, welcoming one and all to Bakersfield.
It all looks rather newish and evidently replicates an arch that once stood downtown. But here it was, a little out of the way I thought, a gateway to someplace special.
But where could it possibly lead? Was there someplace new and spectacular I hadn't heard of?
A civic plaza, perhaps?
A performing arts complex of some kind?
A Great Park?
Sports complex?
Convention center?
Well... not quite.
It leads here...
And you have to pass the jail to get here.
It was then that I realized this isn't the work of rank stupidity. It couldn't be. No one could possibly in a million years believe this was a good idea. Which means only one thing...
It's the work of some evil genius. Like a Bond villain. A double agent. Someone with an ax to grind against the city who is covertly working to undermine it and make it a laughingstock. Or more of a laughingstock than it already is. Someone with the charm and persuasive powers to get who knows how many city departments to sign off on an idea that is clearly an embarrassment.
It's brilliant.
Sir, or Madam, whoever you are, my hat is off to you.