“I talk to God but the sky is empty.”
I had an Aha© Moment today. I hear Oprah copyrighted that phrase, so it's duly noted.
At any rate, an epiphany, of sorts.
You go about your life for years, thinking for the longest time that you're going to make an impact.
Through your work, through your kids, though your good deeds... your life is going to matter to some one, in some way, some how.
Or... not.
The day you realize that it's not going to matter, in any way, shape or form?
That's not a good day.
How do you deal with the realization that your life is nothing more than a cautionary tale?
Still kind of working that one through.
But if it has to be a cautionary tale, I hope they do it with pictograms.
I love pictograms - like the safety cards on airplanes. Picture a little figure in a life vest, crash landing in Bakersfield.
Now that I think about it, I wish our oven was gas.